Friday, January 31, 2020

Do All Men Watch P0RN? Actually, No...

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...When asked about viewing p0rnography several times a week, 42% of U.S. non-Christian men and 37% of U.S. Christian men admitted to doing that. Here are the breakdowns:    63% of 18- to 30-year-olds  38% of 31- to 49-year-olds  25% of 50- to 68-year-olds    When it comes to this sensitive topic, it may be the case that participants are less likely to be 100% truthful. Even when the survey is confidential, there’s a likelihood of participants who may want to underreport something that they feel is embarrassing or shameful. So the numbers of the survey may be higher.    Based on those statistics, we can say with all certainty, most men look at p0rn at least once a month. That’s quite a bit different  saying all men look at p0rn all the time, but statistics show it’s trending more that way than the other direction.    And those numbers produce consequences. Consider this, a 2016 study on Canadian adolescents revealed 45.3% admitting to having erectile dysfunction. A 2015 study showed men (mean age of 36) having erectile dysfunction accompanied with a low desire for sex with a partner is commonly seen in clinical practice among those seeking help for "excessive sexual behavior,” and men whose excessively watch it, results in their marriage being in peril.    That’s the bad news.    Join the Men Choosing a Life Without P0rn    The good news is that many men have realized the devastatingly negative  impact p0rnography has on themselves,their relationships, and society.    So, do all men watch p0rn?  No.  However, a majority of men do look at p0rn at least once a month.    Be honest with yourself. If you know you need an Internet monitoring service to block p0rn on all your internet accessing devices, start protecting yourself and your family TODAY.  Set up a Family Account,  with Covenant Eyes to cover TEN DIFFERENT Internet devices to cover all members of your family, (we will monitor, block and report their online activity) even at the kid's grandmas house, for only $15.99/month!    As a BONUS, use promo code TRUST, and your First Month of Internet Monitoring Service is FREE!
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