Friday, January 31, 2020

samanta, Freelance for one hour = $3k?

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Freelance for one hour = $3k?




So I know you read that subject line and was probably

like, “what?”


Well, I’m not pulling your chain.  It’s 100% true.


This is really happening right now and there’s a golden

opportunity for you to get involved.


If you want it. See It Here


See, most freelance categories are overly saturated

and unless you’re a mystic guru of your craft that glows

while they’ll most likely end up in a shouting

match trying to get freelance work.


But recently, there’s been a HUGE problem that’s

come about for anyone that has a website.  Especially businesses.  

Heck, some of these businesses are getting taken to the 

cleaners for an average loss of $50,000!


And that’s created a major opportunity for you to help them.




By helping to make their site ADA compliant:

 See It Here


See, there’s been a ruling that states that sites have to be

ADA compliant to cater to the disabled market.


And when these sites aren’t compliant, they can be sued

for 10’s of thousands of dollars.

But with ADA Comply, you can help all of these businesses

get ADA compliant with about an hour’s worth of work give

or take.


And they’ll pay you handsomely to do so.


Some even up to $10,000!


Using ADA Comply is so simple, that all you’ll really need

to do is install a single snippet of code and ADA Comply

handles the rest.


So if you’re looking for a new freelancing angle or another

opportunity and you’re tired of scrounging for scraps with

your freelancing career - then head over and check out

ADA Comply here:

 See It Here


They say that a rising tide lifts all boats.  


Well, getting in on the ADA compliance opportunity now 

is like being in front of a financial tsunami.


As more and more businesses get sued, others will turn

to someone for help.


Let that be you and you can get paid nicely.


Check it out at the link above.


Talk soon,


Lee Maddus

 See It Here

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