Monday, November 30, 2020

Anniversary Get-a-way!

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Anniversary pic


 To a beautiful marriage...


Welcome to Albie's Travel!

I love sailing, hiking, personal motivation, business and sharing what I love with others! 

Feel free to check out all my exciting adventures at my websites below!



To A Beautiful Marriage:

. "Here are some things we've learned from 27 years of marriage:... "...
his is so because when you say you love someone, in the back of their mind they are wondering when and how you will break your word. 
The longer you keep your word and the stronger your relationship gets, the more you destroy that subconscious doubt.
I don't know if you can ever really destroy that doubt completely but you can sure put it behind so many walls that a person can almost forget!


Things naturally deteriorate - unless you have a passion to work at it and make it beautiful.
Marriage takes work but it first of all takes a desire.
Without some form of desire you won't work at it. If you have lost your desire in your spouse, 
then let your desire in Gods love and goodness spur you on. 
But in order for that to happen, there has to be some recognition and thankfulness that God has given 
you everything good (including your spouse) and that God should be the ultimate receiver of our love and adoration...."
   . Albie
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This week my wife and I went to Oxnard for our 27th wedding anniversary. 



Our lovely hotel in Oxnard right on the beach.

Our room overlooked the ocean!

Large sand dunes were to the North and South of our hotel.

Afterglow over the ocean.

The Channel Islands just off the coast could be seen.










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~Albie Derbyshire
Elizabeta Kuzevska 
AE Mailer
Elizabeta Kuzevska
 Albie Derbyshire
 cell: 626-379-5692
 Skype: SailingwithAlbie
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