Monday, July 15, 2024

Annual Update of your Site info on Anoox Social Search Engine is due

Annual Update of your Site info on Anoox non-profit Social Search network is due

This email is about your Web site of:

It is time for the Annual update of your Site Meta info on Anoox non-profit Social Search Engine.
Please take a moment to make sure your Site and Business info are up to date. To do so, please Go here:

If this Site is no longer active, please Click here to Delete and De-list it:

Please keep in mind: Anoox is the non-profit Social Search Network Collective, the only one of its kind in the World.
A Global community dedicated to putting the Power of the Internet in the Hands of People and Small businesses
on Main Street such as yours. So the more accurate and updated info you provide about your Site on Anoox Search engine
and Social network collective, the better for your Site, your Business interest and the Internet community.

Anoox is Advertising Supported

Want MUCH MORE Traffic to your Site? Want to SAVE 50% to 90%+ in Cost of Advertising? Then you want to Buy Advertising
on Anoox non-profit Search engine and Social network. The ONLY choice for effective low cost Traffic.
To take advantage of Anoox low cost Advertising to BOOST your Site Traffic please go here:

*** Open your Advertising account Now via this Annual Site notice, get up to $100 in Advertising FREE
*** Cancel any time if you do not find this to be the BEST VALUE in Advertising for your Business - BAR NONE
*** We been in business for 20 Years, since 2004, putting small businesses such as yours 1st - so a name you can TRUST

Support Us to Support You - for a Better World

Do you appreciates that Search engine & Social network are Gatekeeper platforms which means they control or greatly influence
what people & businesses know, like & buy, etc., who people vote for, etc.?
And to date no one has developed and operated a non-profit Search engine & Social network to offer real Choice in regard
to these essential services but Anoox. So you want to support us, partner with us, invest in us, etc.. Then please Go here:

Or Support Us to Support the internet Community to Support you with a generous Donation:


Best Regards,
From Staff of Anoox

Anoox is the non-profit Social Search Network: Clients and Information Democracy, not profits & share
prices on Wall Street, come first for us
Want no further such Annual messages, cancel your Site and its Free Traffic by unsubscribing here:
© Anoox 2004 - 2024 : All Rights Reserved

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